It may appear that credit card fraud has been so rampant that credit card companies have taken it upon themselves to make life difficult for unscrupulous con artists. Credit cards nowadays have, aside from the magnetic strip on which all your details are contained and strip where you should place your signature specimen, security numbers (the three digits at the back of your card), and some have even integrated the chip and pin safety into the card itself (allows users to pay by plugging in a pin number). Another safety feature some card companies have incorporated is the issuance of Photo ID Credit Cards.
Photo ID Credit Cards are just your ordinary credit card except that a small photo of the cardholder is printed on a corner of the card itself. Usually, underneath this photo is the signature of the card holder, so merchants can check the photo image and the signatures on the front and back of the card; to see if the picture resembles the person using the card and if the signature affixed on the transaction document is similar to the ones imprinted on the card.
If you want to make sure that, even if your credit card is stolen, no one can be able to make unauthorized purchases on it; you can opt to secure a photo ID credit card. With this kind of credit card, you can be certain that whoever has it will have second thoughts about using it. In case, however, that you do misplace your card, even though you hold a photo ID credit card, it still is best to report it’s loss to the credit card provider so that they can immediately block any further purchases.
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Tuesday, December 05, 2006
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